Qualche giorno fa sono stata in campagna.
I colori della Natura sono bellissimi in questo periodo dell'anno.
Un tripudio di marroni, gialli ocra, verdi pallidi e sfumature d'argento.
I took a walk on the countryside a few days ago, and I was surprised by the colours Nature is showing at this time of the year.
It's a blaze of soft browns, yellow ochres, pale greens and silver dashes
Questo, giovedì scorso.
Il mio fine settimana invece...tutto passato a fare collane....beh, non tutto, ma parte di esso!
That was this Thursday.
As for my weekend, it was all....necklaces making..
Well, not all of it, but part of !
Well, not all of it, but part of !
Cernit marrone, argento e ocra con zigzag di wire
Brown, silver and yellow ochre cernit, with wire zig-zag
Cernit ocra e argento , spirale di cernit e un triangolo di wire
Due ciondoli in cernit negli stessi colori
Collana in cernit con spirali wire
... una nuova settimana da iniziare e un nuovo weekend da aspettare...
...a new week to start and a new weekend to wait for....
Ma che belle! Dolcissimim colori, raffinata lavorazione ...quel cernit!
RispondiEliminaSempre abbracci!
Hi rosa, thanks for being my new follower - please notice that my regular blog is www.dovadi.web-log.nl/fiberfusing. Maybe I shall move in the future to the blogspot. The first post are nice, the dogs-puppy's lovely, your bags beautiful, special the grey with re/orange one and these necklages gorgeous! Me and earthcolours is a good match. Take care, DOrie