domenica 4 ottobre 2009


Qualche giorno fa sono stata in campagna.
I colori della Natura sono bellissimi in questo periodo dell'anno.
Un tripudio di marroni, gialli ocra, verdi pallidi e sfumature d'argento.

I took a walk on the countryside a few days ago, and I was surprised by the colours Nature is showing at this time of the year.
It's a blaze of soft browns, yellow ochres, pale greens and silver dashes

Questo, giovedì scorso.
Il mio fine settimana invece...tutto passato a fare collane....beh, non tutto, ma parte di esso!

That was this Thursday.
As for my weekend, it was all....necklaces making..
Well, not all of it, but part of !

Cernit marrone, argento e ocra con zigzag di wire
Brown, silver and yellow ochre cernit, with wire zig-zag

Cernit ocra e argento , spirale di cernit e un triangolo di wire
Ochre and silver cernit, cernit spiral and wire triangle

Due ciondoli in cernit negli stessi colori
Two cernit pendants in the same colours

Collana in cernit con spirali wire
A long necklace with cernit and wire spirals

... una nuova settimana da iniziare e un nuovo weekend da aspettare...
...a new week to start and a new weekend to wait for....

2 commenti:

  1. Ma che belle! Dolcissimim colori, raffinata lavorazione ...quel cernit!
    Sempre abbracci!

  2. Hi rosa, thanks for being my new follower - please notice that my regular blog is Maybe I shall move in the future to the blogspot. The first post are nice, the dogs-puppy's lovely, your bags beautiful, special the grey with re/orange one and these necklages gorgeous! Me and earthcolours is a good match. Take care, DOrie
